Class Schedule
*Call or email for more info.
Group or private times and rates available upon request.

***We offer ongoing enrollment
with prorated tuition***
Tadpoles: Parent/ Tot Program (2-3 1/2 years) - 45 minute class
With one-on-one adult assistance, tots develop and increase gross motor skills by jumping, climbing, swinging and tumbling in a safe and stimulating gymnastics environment.
Little Leapers: Preschool Program (3 1/2-5 yrs) - 45 minute class
By encouraging children to move, explore, problem solve and socialize at a critical period in their development, we can promote a variety of physical and mental skills that will greatly improve future fitness.
Frog Bridgers: Gymnastics Program (5 + yrs)- 60 minute class
These classes are for those who would like to progress through our sequential gymnastics program. It is required for new students to begin with "Intro" level classes or they may schedule a time to be evaluated if they would like to start in a more advanced "Frog Bridger" level class. Students ages 5-7 years should sign up for (Y) younger classes and ages 8 & up should sign up for (O) older classes. A unique cross-training option for all. Check out our schedule for home school class times.
Advanced Frog Bridgers: Gymnastics Program (by invitation or evaluation only) - 90 minute class
These classes are for those athletes who have progressed through our sequential Frog Bridger gymnastics program and are ready for a longer, more challenging class. By permission, invite or evaluation only!