Please escort your child into and out of the facility.
Parents are responsible for supervising their own child before and after class.
No students shall enter the gym area until their class is called.
No physical activity, horseplay or running around is allowed in the waiting area/ East Brook Mall.
Students should avoid sugary snacks before or during class. A healthy snack such as fruits, veggies or nuts is always recommended!
A full water bottle from home is required, we provide a water bubbler for refilling the water bottle if necessary.
Please escort your child to and from the bathroom if they are under 6 years of age.
NEVER go on the equipment without instruction from your teacher. Please only use the equipment as instructed.
One at a time on ALL equipment.
If any staff member from Frog Bridge has observed a participant unwilling or unable to safely use any of the equipment during any of the programs offered at the gym they reserve the right to not allow usage of that equipment until further assessment of readiness has been determined. In the interest of each participants well-being our staff will always err on the side of caution in regards to safety.
NEVER attempt to try a new skill that you haven’t been instructed to do. Your teacher will let you know when you are ready for the next level.
If you are afraid of a skill or activity please let your teacher know so that they can help you. You will never be forced into doing something that you are uncomfortable with. With proper instruction and help from your teacher you will most likely conquer your fears and do many things that you never thought you could!
Please come in the proper attire: No belts, buckles, zippers, footed tights, hats or long jewelry (stud earrings only). Long hair must be pulled back out of your face.